Joshua Tree
[31521.1]I present to you, dear reader, a collection of photos I took on a pleasant, early March afternoon wandering around the town of Joshua Tree, CA. I’m not quite sure what I think of the town yet. I’ve been posted here for about two weeks and have two weeks remaining in my stay. I heartily enjoy the desert but am typically critical of the “Art” type, (capital “A”), and yuppies--which seem to be the town’s primary tourists. In my conversations with the locals, they express a complicated sense of wistfulness about the recent changes of the town. A flash flood of weekend AirBnB’ers and the vacation rental market have robbed locals of housing opportuntities, filled the town with inconsiderate tourists, and contributed to the larger trends of desert gentrification. I think that really sucks. Decommodify housing immediatley, support communitites, especially BIPOC, and defend local efforts to maintain an enjoyable life. Sigh. Nevertheless, the town is full of sights and manages to cling to a stubborn sense of desert mystcism. Like retired hippies, large metal sculptures, National Park visitors, soundbaths, and roadrunners. I’m also not sure my opinon of the town really matters. I appreciate it as a tourist and can only hope to treat it and its community with the utmost respect. I’ve included my curated recommendations to enjoy whilst viewing the photos.
Xoxo, RBJ.
Song: “Sky Train - Vocal Mix” by Omar S, Nite Jewel
Drink: Ice water through a straw
Snack: One of those roadside Mexican fruitcups with Tajín and chamoy